
All about ideas…

Palin’s performance

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As an English Lit/Journalism double major in college, I began going nuts over her continual use of “also”. Often twice in the same sentence. And this woman has a degree in journalism! Give me a break!!! Grrrr….

Regarding her answers, they were the same non-answers that have come out of the McCain campaign since it began.

Nothing on how he would create new jobs. Nothing on how he would bring back our manufacturing base to create an economy that actually “produces” something rather than continue an economy that, as Buffett says, “consumes”.

She said nothing about how people are going to afford a minimum $7K increase in their health insurance if McCain’s free market health plan becomes law.

She said nothing about how we’re going to conquer or lead on global warming or how many new jobs could be created through incentives and leadership of what Tom Friedman calls “ET”.

She said nothing new about how we’re going to regain the world’s respect and our leadership in the world or how we should confront the many global challenges we’re facing. It’s not all about force and military and Iraq!

She said nothing about middle class tax relief. The middle class pays $80 billion dollars in taxes while the upper 10% pays almost nothing…and middle class wages are going down or have stabilized.

She said nothing about how we’re going to pay down the debt. Just the same tired rhetoric of government reform and earmarks. Earmarks are an asterick on the size of the debt.

And the various departments are not currently fulfilling the jobs they’ve been charged with doing, either because of the current deregulation mantra or because of lack of staff to insure the job they’ve been charged with are being done.

Overall, she was congenial but not convincing to this middle class, almost senior citizen mom of two daughters.

Written by Valerie Curl

October 3, 2008 at 3:06 AM

Posted in Politics

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